Hey, I’m Monica

I Build Profitable & Simple Coaching Business Models

Let's give your business a simple structure, a set price, a defined client, and a converting marketing strategy— you deserve this.



Hey There,

I’m Monica Stockhausen

Self-made CEO, Business Professor, and go-to Monetization master behind today’s most forward-thinking developmental coaches and creative consultants. We make ‘doing business’ REALLY HARD and it’s time to shift to simplicity. My superpower is building simple, profitable, and easy-to-sustain business models for people who want to monetize their knowledge and/or intuitive gifts in 10 weeks.

Be A Success Story Just Like These Other Proven Method Alumni!

The Proven Method is..

Equal Parts Inspiration & Strategy—It’s a Client-Centric Way To Scale Your Coaching or Consulting Business, and It Has Helped MANY knowledgeable Coaches and Consultants Just Like YOU build a more simplified and profitable business.

Want to speak with ME to make sure that PROVEN IS FOR YOU?



…“When I first started coaching I couldn’t imagine designing a coaching or consulting business model that fits my lifestyle, that I’d get to cherry-pick my clients and have an offer that is premium-priced, and people actually pay it in full. I was so used to the constant hustle mentality, the low price offers with too many clients, and ‘doing all of the things’ for clients. It left me completely exhausted.

Although I’ve always imagined a business life that is filled with impact and value, I didn’t know that I could solely work with clients who are a perfect fit with the work that I do and that I would get to teach the skills and knowledge I already have, and finally be paid amazingly well for it.

I have so much gratitude for having come this far…

This is why I’ve decided to build The Proven Method— to help other coaches & consultants like myself to build a more simplified and profitable business model in just 10 weeks #ACCELERATOR”



Spiritual &

Life Coaches

Consultants &




Marketing &

Social Media Experts

Virtual Assistants


What is

The Proven Method?

The Proven Method is a 10-week program for knowledgeable and/or intuitive experts, professionals, coaches, consultants + strategists who want a PROVEN & SIMPLE strategy to market & monetize their knowledge without a complicated start & costly mistakes.


“…Listen, If you’re running a coaching business and it is making you feel stuck, overwhelmed and exhausted, It’s time to create a simple & proven business model that matches your desired lifestyle .” 

Do One Or More Of These Statements Sound Familiar To You?

  • You’re eager to build lasting connections with clients, but can’t seem to find a way to package your services into an awesome premium offer that sells itself

  • You’ve exhausted every business strategy in the book, and you still have “okay” months… And “REALLY bad” months…

  • You’re ready to abandon your 9 - 5 grind to pursue your true calling, but you’re not confident you have all of the skills and systems to succeed and make MORE money than you are making with your job.

  • You already have a handful of clients, but still, feel as if your insights and skills have been criminally undervalued… In other words, you feel like you’re working for peanuts.

What YOU get inside of Proven....

One on One Premium Experience


In Just 10 Action-Packed Weeks You’ll Master How To…

  1. Strategize via Weekly 1:1 consulting sessions that give you expert insight into every stage of the launch process in real-time.

  2. Track via a Trello-powered personal progress tracker that lets you visualize your goals one completed step at a time. 

  3. Audit by carefully structured social media monitoring tools that give you clear insight into your target audience and how to reach them

  4. Automate by using proven pricing tools that give you the freedom to automate your sales strategy without compromising your revenue goals. 

  5. Convert with a customized Go-2-Market action plan that drives traffic and creates consistent conversions, even on your first launch. 

  6. Connect Expand your network with our growing collective of entrepreneurs and business owners as a PM Alumni. 



Follow a proven framework that will help you to FIND & CONFIRM the best path to profitability without relentless wandering

JUMPSTART business success by building upon your existing experiences

PROTECT your resources & energy by confirming your client and service with PROVEN market research strategies

Make INFORMED and SUPPORTED business pivots without dismantling progress

Take your MVP to market in 10 weeks or less with maximum confidence

What Does The Proven 10 Week Process COVER?

Find, Confirm & Win Framework


Simplify Your Start

  • Define your natural traction + unique positioning in the marketplace.

  • Identifying the talent we have to give and choosing what we actually want to monetize.

  • Designing a business model and lifestyle is that unique to you.

Certainty of Viability

  • Discovering, connecting, and attracting perfect fit clients the human way (naturally).

  • Develop a must-have premium offer that meets the needs of clients the first time and every time. No more customizing for each client.

  • High-ticket price-setting is made easy with the Proven automatic price calculation sheet and strategy that makes pricing appropriate, accurately calculated, and gives you the lifestyle you deserve.

First Monetized Win

  • Attract not sale, how to use natural traction + Instagram as a traffic generator to attract perfect fit clients.

  • Create your specific content mix that speaks to your unique voice, personality, and point of view while building relationships with your audience.

  • Learn to drive traffic, filter out not-so-serious interests, and secure clients over and over again on and offline.



P.S. Ask me about my custom payment plans today by messaging us via the chat

  • USD $500.00

    60-minute strategy session

    Book a session if you need structure & strategy for your business today (i.e. pricing, marketing, converting).

  • USD $3,000.00

    Proven Self-Paced Course

    *Payment plan is available

    12 hours of Proven Strategy with 17 motivational/supplementary videos & an in-depth course workbook

  • USD $5,000.00

    Premium 1 : 1 Experience

    *Payment plan is available

    10-weeks, 1-on-1 process walking you through the entire proven method framework with implementation support.

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